Get Your Lawn Snow Ready With These 5 Hacks

As winter’s chilly embrace draws near, it’s time to turn our attention to our lawns. Preparing your lawn for the impending snow is a crucial step toward ensuring its vibrancy come spring. Let’s delve into five effective ways to protect your lawn against the winter chill. Embrace winter’s beauty without compromising your lawn’s health by implementing these thoughtful preparations. Here are 5 ways you can prep your lawn for snow in Northern Virginia:

#1 Mow and Aerate

Before the first snowfall, give your lawn a final mow at a slightly lower height than usual. This helps prevent snow mold and other fungal diseases. Aerate the soil to reduce compaction and promote better water and nutrient absorption. This is especially important in regions with heavy clay soils.

#2 Remove Debris

Clear your lawn of any debris, such as leaves, branches, and toys. These can create uneven surfaces on your lawn and contribute to snow mold issues.

#3 Fertilize

Apply a winter fertilizer with a lower nitrogen content and a higher ratio of potassium and phosphorus. This helps strengthen the roots and prepares the grass for a healthy start in the spring.

#4 Overseed

Consider overseeding your lawn with cool-season grass seeds before the snow arrives. This helps fill in bare spots and promotes a lush, thick lawn in the spring.

#5 Protect Sensitive Plants

If you have delicate plants or shrubs in your lawn, consider covering them with burlap or other protective material to shield them from heavy snow and ice. This can prevent breakage and damage during winter storms.